Monday, 26 February 2007

Disconnected Demon

I received the following letter from Demon yesterday morning:


We are sorry that you are cancelling your standard dial-up - hostname

This is to acknowledge that your service will end as of Feb 23 2007.

Annual accounts paid in advance will be refunded for each complete pre-paid month remaining.

Should you wish to re-join Demon Internet in the future we would be delighted to assist you. We will reserve your hostname for you for a period of one year.

Yours sincerely

Simon Blackburn
Head of Customer Support Centre - THUS plc

It never fails to amaze me that after 2 recorded delivery letters and a summons, their automated system still produces letters like this. It is this sort of automated disinterest that forces people to take action in the first place.

As you will have seen from my previous posts and the comments left, I have been in discussion with Helen. She is saying that Fair Use prevents users from abusing a system that would otherwise be too expensive for many people to use. Whilst I am not advocating the use of completely unlimited broadband, The honest principle would be to get rid of FUP's completely and replace them with a clear indication of what the limits are for all services.

The dictionary definition of unlimited is: "without any qualification or exception; unconditional." By imposing a Fair Use Policy, ISP's are deliberately miss representing the meaning of a unlimited service. It is this dishonesty that I object to.

The only reason I can see, why a company would use the terms "unlimited" and qualify it with a "fair use policy" is as a form of deception created by marketing people so that they can avoid allowing competitors making detrimental comparisons with their services.

1 comment:

Richard said...

why didn't you simply sign up to a decent ISP like Be Unlimited

I regularly have transfers of 1 terabyte per month up/down and never been warned by them

I get 23.5 meg down and 2.5 meg up

I have only ever see them enforce their FUP twice when legitimate complaints about torrent users have been downloading illegal files (as they were too dumb to use encrypted torrents) they were only given a warning and told to make sure their wireless was secure..

Be* recently droped their prices drastically they do not traffic shape, or anything - just plain old ultrafast asdl2+ annex M connection

Check them out ;)